
Our mission is to develop self-confident, dedicated and disciplined learners, by nurturing the talent of each learner, through a high quality education, with the co-operation of parents, and the community at large.


Our vision is to make our school one of the leading independent schools, offering a relevant and holistic education, with strong emphasis on building character, so that out learners become role models, worthy of emulation.


  • Honesty - be truthful, no stealing, cheating or telling lies.
  • Humility - be humble, don’t be arrogant and prideful
  • Respectful - be respectful to adults and peers and persons in authority.
  • Compassion - be merciful, helpful and soft-hearted.
  • Gratitude - be thankful, return kindness and be grateful.
  • Patience - be tolerable, calm endurance, under pain, weariness and provocation.
  • Spirituality - connect with your Creator, don’t only be worldly-minded.

    We Offer:

  • Small Classes
  • A Caring Teaching and Learning Environment
  • Affordable Quality Education
  • Individual Attention
  • Madressa Classes After Normal School Day
  • Aftercare
  • Sporting Facilities

About Us

This is a co-educational institution which offers excellence in education through character from grades RRR to 3. We encourage constructive engagement with the staff, parents and learners. We also provide an environment for the learner’s holistic, spiritual, intellectual, physical and social development as well as offer a comprehensive academic programme which emphasises honesty, self-discipline and conscientious hard work. The school is dedicated to fostering lifelong learning through diligence with the Creator as a guiding light.

Requirements to bring to the school for application:

  1. An official birth certificate.
  2. Immunization Card.
  3. Transfer Card if a learner transfers from one school to another.
  4. Last report card in the absence of a transfer card.
  5. Temporary/Permanent Residence Permit or a Study Permit for non RSA citizens.

Our Dedicated Staff:

Mr. Y. Salot

Founding Principal

Mrs. Y. Salot


Miss S. Salot


Miss N. Budhoo


Miss. K. Erasmus


Mrs. A. Khan


Mrs. F. Silangwe


Mrs. S Davenarian
